Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Action Item Mgmt. Article via Harvard Business Review

Taming the Epic To-Do List by Allison Rimm

The to-do list can be an indispensable tool when used to mindfully manage your time. But used indiscriminately, you become its servant. To get control of your priorities, you actually need three lists and a calendar. 

List #1 is for important but non-time-sensitive projects. 

List #2 is for items that need to be completed today

The third list is a not-to-do list, to remind you of things you've consciously decided aren't worth your time. 

The calendar is for blocking out time to accomplish important matters on schedule. With your long-term goals in mind, decide which tasks really have to get done — and get done by you. Then, put them on your list — and more importantly, on your calendar. The things that don't need to get done, or done by you, can go on your "not doing" list. Once you get control of your priorities, and recognize that time is a finite resource, you'll feel liberated to focus on what really matters to you.

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