Wednesday, February 22, 2017

RSAC in a flash – quotes, opinions, trends from some of the preso

No resounding theme this year (compared to last) outside of the words: Ransomware, DDoS, Machine Learning, and over use of “pivot”
  • Security by obscurity is not security but a fallacy
  • PLC lack programming interfaces for solid password authentication and overall security
  •  Incident Response
    • Availability – does not mean a fire extinguisher everywhere
    • Budget – there will be unexpected cost
    • Collaborate – with all groups and roles, with frequency
    • Plan – for chaos
  • Pay ransom sometimes (70% do and 20% over $40K), when you don't have backup or can't recover timely
  • Security awareness strategy answers who, what and how – make it simple and don’t assume
  • Uptick in HealthCare attacks
  • Must lead without authority
  • Machine Learning is the wave but is enhanced with GPO to speed up reaction
  • 7 factors of organizational management
    • Gain command of the facts
    • Get the business to own risk
    • Embrace the change agent role
    • Run InfoSec like a business
    • Build a technical and business capable team
    • Communicate the value
    • Organize for success
  • CISO Impact Quotient equals 5-7 year journey before trust and value is seen/woven into the organization
  • Building confidence is your first objective; and having a plan; as well as tying it back to the most critical business function
  • Driver for Maturity is from Compliance to Solution to Vulnerability to Threat modeling/detection focused
  • Change your habits and change your life
  • 3 critical skills for better decisions and greater influence
    • Self-awareness – clarity in thinking and feeling
    • Deep work – attention management vs. time management
    • Mindfulness and mentalizing
  • Mandatory data breach notification is no longer just an option, to include within 72 hours to Data Protection Agency
  • Burden of proof lies in the ability to prove (substance) unauthorized access/processing did NOT occur
  • EU personal data definition is any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person so varies from US’s SSN and Driver’s License Number
  • EU fines are 4% global turnover or €20,000,000
  • Practicing fire drills is necessary – hands on exercise to test incident handling
  • Variant of important trifecta is Speed, Security and Variability (aka cost)
  • MARCI chart plots risks along impact and vulnerability with speed of risk (aka velocity)
  • Diversity makes you smart; current role diversity is 31% Boomers, 38% Gex X and 46% Millennials
  • Cyber skills shortage continue to rise
  • 93% of organziations take just minutes to compromise (Synack)
  • Few Good Links

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