Thursday, July 7, 2016

Leadership for Managers – succinct version

A 10 week Dale Carnegie class condense into 3 days…and the upshot is below – by virtue of 1-liners
  1. Set a VISION – without boundaries and is believable…and don’t put a timeframe since you may need to roll forward new things
  2. SMART goals are specific and measurable – and perfection should not be a goal
  3. LEADERS will reflect on what’s not working and adapt a plan to fit it
  4. Drivers for SUCCESS
    • Self-Direction, People, Skills, Process Skills, Communication, and Accountability
  5. Your MESSAGE: 
    • What I say counts for 7% 
    • How I say it (tone) counts for 38% 
    • What I do when I say it (body language) counts for 55%
  6. EMOTION is the single factor that drives thinking and alters decision
  7. Cycle of growth equates primarily to ATTITUDE and is the performance metric, otherwise the difference is called motivational gap
  8. MOTIVATION is single more important driver for effectiveness
    • Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Survival, Safety, Belongingness, Esteem, Self-Actualization) to the other person 
  9. COACHING using GROW 
    • Goal – Clarity with specificity 
    • Reality – self-reflection of today
    • Options – what to change to get there and why
    • Way Forward – prioritization and follow-up
  10. FAIRNESS is based on: Assurance, Belief, Relationship, Identity, and Control
  11. Understand areas of INFLUENCE and control the areas you have DIRECT CONTROL (anything else any be ignored)
  12. BUSY WORK is a waste of time/effort!  Time used will never get back
  13. Good FEEDBACK should be given by itself – Bad feedback does not necessary have to be sandwiched (between good)
  14. BELIEVE in yourself – never question what leadership looks like, it’s YOU
  15. Practice DRILLING – for factual details and ask WHY e.g. Why is it important to you or someone else
  16. Planning Process: Desired Outcome, Current Situation, Goals, Action Steps, Time Frames, Resources, Obstacles and Contingencies, and Tracking and Measurement
  17. I will remember others’ NAMES, only if I say/believe, I will (because it’s important to you)
  18. Our VALUES are our believe system – which drives our behavior so how one behaves speaks to their real values
    • Our perception of values might change but who we are do not
  19. Have a meaningful conversation, storytelling and injecting WHY - To learn about the situation and appreciating the other person 
  20. Understand and apply what’s most important to your organization, direct manager and to yourself i.e. Time, Cost or Quality trifecta / dimensions
  21. The Innovation Process: Visualization, Fact Finding, Problem OFI Finding, Idea Finding, Solution Finding, Acceptance Finding, Implementation, Follow-up, Evaluation
  22. Presentation effectiveness is rooted from personal SELF-CONFIDENCE and based on individual experiences
  23. LEADERSHIP involves people while MANAGERS involve processes
    • Lead the People, Manage the System
  24. Without managing your TIME properly, nothing else can be managed, Tyranny of the Urgent
  25. Employee ENGAGEMENT circles around: Pride in the organization, Belief in senior management and Satisfaction with Immediate Manager
  26. Problem solving TOOLS – Google it :)
    • Affinity Diagram
    • 4 Problem solving questions (What is, Cause, Possible and Best Solution)
    • Criteria method 
  27. DELEGATION Process: Select the person, Identify the need, plan the Delegatin, Hold a delegation meeting, Create a plan of action, Review the plan, Implement the plan, and Follow up
  28. Delegation to DEPUTIZING is truly giving total ownership and letting the other prosper
  29. PRAISE includes: Context, Specifics, Impact, Identity, Congratulate
  30. COUNSEL includes: Context, Specific, Impact, reinforcement, Seek Solutions
  31. FILTERS exist in all communication e.g. environment, assumptions, cultural, distortion becomes reality
  32. Right approach to handling MISTAKES: Research, Rapport, Reference, Restore, Reassure and Retain - otherwise Restate, reinforce, Replace
  33. Be Self-awareness
More to come...till then Plan-Do-Action based on Dale Carnegie's Golden Book

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