Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tale of two breach payouts

Can’t help but compare Home Depot's $19 Million vs Erin Andrew's $55 Million though realizing it’s two different kinds of breach, or is it?  Loss of privacy, sensitivity information, trust, and the other weighing in more on dignity...
While Erin Andrews court appears comes to a close (pending potential appeals), Home Depot is will to pay out $13 Million in funds for “reasonably traceable fraud” to compensate 56 Million effected customers’ out of pocket costs (from a malware breach of credit card information in 2014).  Proposed class action lawsuits amount to at least 57 filed in the U.S. and Canada; but the balance of the funds would go to legal fees.  And, on the other side, speculation has it that the sports announcers may only end up with approx. $5 Million after all the legal fees / attorney profits, etc.  Home Depot also reported booking $161 Million in pre-tax expenses for the breach… Of course, the infamous Target breach offered $10 million to settle the class-action lawsuit; and Obama’s administration reported to have shelled out $19 Billion to improve security for individuals, companies and government agencies.
By the numbers...of headlines making the news this week

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