Monday, March 28, 2016

Retailer beach impact

By the numbers...and this report by Entrepreneur does the summary:
64% of shoppers have accepted security breaches to be part of the shopping process and 53% say that security breaches are a risk they’re willing to take in exchange for convenience...
43% of shoppers (compared to 45% in 2014*) don’t trust companies to keep their personal information safe. Of these, 30% don’t think companies invest in enough security measures.
85% of shoppers are aware of companies that have had a security breach where customers’ personal financial information was exposed.
39% spend less per shopping trip than before (Compared to 26% in 2014*)
69% try to use cash instead of credit/debit cards (Compared to 79% in 2014*)
60% shop online with one specific card designated to online purchases so that they can monitor its activity
62% of shoppers have used credit and/or debit cards with chip technology to make purchases. Of these…
71% say that using credit card with chip technology makes them feel more secure when shopping.
60% prefer to use a card enabled with chip technology over any other method of payment.
26% say that they do not like using a credit card with chip technology because it takes too long
80% Being honest about the incident
73% Communicating with shoppers and responding to questions
72% Taking financial accountability for their mistake
69% Investing in additional preventative security measures
6% Firing their CEO
6% Firing the head of the IT department

Onto breaking news that the Justice Dept is withdrawing legal action against Apple's iPhone related encryption case of San Bernardino since the encryption was cracked by an unidentified entity...according to USA Today.  Nothing is unbreakable...surely more to follow on this topic

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