Saturday, January 23, 2016

App Delivery Controllers - Gartner's Magic Quadrant

Bridging gap between application and underlying protocols and traditional packet-based networks
ADC for availability, scalability, end-user performance, data center resource utilization and security
Kinds: single or multi-instance hardware appliance, software-based instance, cloud-based as-a-service offering (OTT, Over-the-Top). A preview of a few:
  • Citrix is ranked #2 with its vast array of software and hardware options (integration with Cisco, for example) and certainly enough funding and partnerships yet remaining cost-effective 
  • ADC selection – influencing/optimizing delivery of enterprise application across networks
  • A10 is the 4th largest ADC vendor so ideal for larger scale deployment and utilized APIs for increased functionality and known for high performance NAT (Network address translation) and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) functionality.  However, it’s WAF (Web Application Firewall) is not mature and lacks some functionality; and does not offer cloud OTT
  • Amazon well known brand and speed-to-market rollout edges others and the product suite including balancers, DNS services and cloud network delivery is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS).  However, you tend to be limited by AWS as well as select ADC players and tendencies to require in-house support.
  • Barracuda focuses on SMB (Small or midsize business) with rapid growth in the market and product rich offerings with good feature sets including newly offering balancers for increase security infrastructure.  However, limitation with ADC/WAF is restricting and has not played in the larger markets.
Aside from hardware and software options, desired profiles settings, aggregation and integration is key.  Features include below and full description at

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