Thursday, December 24, 2015

Technology is Transforming Business!

Technology is being leveraged for business but its rapid growth and capability is transforming it to competitive advantage in the workplace and global markets.
The Economist Intelligence Unit report interviewed: 608 business executives globally with over half $500 million or less in annual revenue and functions separated by: Finance, HR, Marketing & Sales, IT, and Other.  Big intelligent data compels rapid and complex analysis, global collaboration and equally expedient decision making.  This continuously changing environment reports that nearly 25% require continuous / annual  education to reskill based on demand.  As if being productive isn’t enough, being more efficient (over 30% reported they are able to do more with technology) coincides. However, extra time resulting should not translate to taking on more work – instead skills retention, for example.  Being multi-dimensional and acceptability of ambiguity for individuals and realizing real-time data is only as good as the founded/established analytics...

By the numbers according from the Economist Intelligence Unit reporting the trends with technology and business:
45% cite not having enough time to achieving goals, followed by 28% insufficient financial resources, 26% lack of opportunity
Related to work load over the next 18 months, resulted in 49% say increase slightly, followed 25% increase significantly, 23% decrease slightly
New technology is expected to: 49% do more in less time, 48% work remotely, 40% freed up for creativity and strategy
Realization of professional goals is best served by which technology: 49% email, 25% mobile phones, 19% online collaborate tools
75% of respondents expected face-to-face meetings to continue as is and 77% expected travel to remain (again status quo)
Educational / skills investment is essential in that prediction of 45% of jobs can be automated in the near future
Pursuant to current career had 36% for more than 20 years, 20% for 10-15 years, 18% for 5-10 years
Success in current career: 53% somewhat successful, 33% very successful, 9% neither successful nor unsuccessful
Realization of potential: 56% largely realized, 20% halfway, 18% fully realized
Optimistic in growth prospects in current career: 44% somewhat optimistic, 28% very optimistic, 21% neutral
Top personal goals in the next 18 months: 41% improve relationships, 33% have more time for leisure, 30% spend more time with family

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