Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Juniper software backdoor led to government and private company spying??

Rogue and unauthorized code identified on Juniper Networks firewall software allows backdoor access to tap / packet capture and unencrypt VPN communication; and leaves no trace of compromise (since security logs are able to be deleted). The millions of code inserted would have to been doe by skilled hacker (internal or external to be confirmed) and worst yet, been existing for 3 years. FBI is engaged to investigate related communication intercept by non-government organizations such as China and Russia for top suspects.
Of course it's rival, Cisco Systems, has launched a code review of it’s own software...but security experts are quick to point out the code may not always be reviewed thoroughly.  Implying that code review and penetration testing is not always conducted due to the cost associated with effort.

Cost of security breach is expected to continuously spike much like college tuition which ironically, Juniper had projected cost to be 4x by 2019.  Current estimated totals of $2.1 trillion resulted from breaches in the last 5 years.  We’ll check back once details are confirmed/published…

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