Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bear down market // Security in 2016

Indication of a bearish market today with the precipice of first interest rate hike since 2006 and junk bonds looking more appetizing.  When stocks decline about 20% from peak or correction about 10%, we have a bearish market.  So, which is it this time? Wasn’t this predicted earlier in 2015 and again in the summer? We have had approx. 32 bear markets (or 1 per 3.5 years) since 1900 and correction about every year) typically lasting about 1 to 1.5 years…according to Ned Davis Research.  Of course the dynamic / root cause is complex but politics is a big player, the potential of a selling frenzy can have great impact, and some point to Feds for control of short-term rates.  While trading habits vary by age group, conservative older and riskier younger, analysts seem to indicate, weather the storm.

Humm...holding is probably not the best move for cybersecurity since trends are more frequent hacks, out pacing tools / zero-day, and outcome is never good with a breach.  But 2016 will be the trickery and shenanigans year.  
With multiple smart devices in our possession and IoT to pave the way for all things connected, large scan attacks will be from all corners including healthcare devices we wear and rely on, to the sky above in drones.  So, mobile malware will be pervasive and it’s estimated by Trendmicro that 3 in 4 apps in China are malware and exponential overall growth to be 20 million by end of 2016.  Recall the times of web defacement resulting from hacktivist…well now, that has shifted to lucrative ransom and incriminating information made public i.e. Sony and Ashley Madison breaches.  Add attack vector resulting from malware and malvertising, growth this year were in the likes of 41% spike.
Another segway will be in Data Protect role to support InfoSec officer to keenly focus on regulation laws and data integrity compliance… This should pave the way for more cybercrime legislation with global perspective since data sharing agreements and provisions continue to evolve / be in dispute i.e. SafeHarbor.  
Offered solution include: data security/encryption strategy, mobile policy and related infrastructure investment, relevant security training / testing, and dedicate role/focus to data protection.
Article source: Trendmicro

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