Thursday, December 3, 2015

APT stocks continue climbing - Report updated with same news

Updated APT study show same results – continued breach of conventional layered architecture.
The nuts and bolts of FireEye’s Maginot Revisited follow up from May 2014 – made up of 1,600 FireEye network and email sensors deployed in real-world networks.
First report Oct 2013 – Mar 2014 totaled 1,200 security deployments in 63 countries across 20 industries – and data from 1,614 appliances (PoV) trials of FireEye network and email appliances

  • 97% organizations in study were breached with 24% attacked via APT, 66% had command-and-control exploited; and hacked more than once per week

Updated report Jan 2014 – Jun 2014:

  • Attacks penetrate layer defenses and spike in advance malware attacks AKA Advance Persistent Threat (APT) attacks were consistent throughout industry (doubled totals), but 2 largest uptick were:
    • Retail with 5% increase; 58 deployed were all breached with 17% by advanced malware
    • Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals with 4% increase; 54 deployed were all breached with 37% by advanced malware

Hence, passive tools and non-integrated detection/reporting systems don’t cut it; and monitoring without pursuit / vigilance is a recipe for security breach

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