Thursday, December 24, 2015

Technology is Transforming Business!

Technology is being leveraged for business but its rapid growth and capability is transforming it to competitive advantage in the workplace and global markets.
The Economist Intelligence Unit report interviewed: 608 business executives globally with over half $500 million or less in annual revenue and functions separated by: Finance, HR, Marketing & Sales, IT, and Other.  Big intelligent data compels rapid and complex analysis, global collaboration and equally expedient decision making.  This continuously changing environment reports that nearly 25% require continuous / annual  education to reskill based on demand.  As if being productive isn’t enough, being more efficient (over 30% reported they are able to do more with technology) coincides. However, extra time resulting should not translate to taking on more work – instead skills retention, for example.  Being multi-dimensional and acceptability of ambiguity for individuals and realizing real-time data is only as good as the founded/established analytics...

By the numbers according from the Economist Intelligence Unit reporting the trends with technology and business:
45% cite not having enough time to achieving goals, followed by 28% insufficient financial resources, 26% lack of opportunity
Related to work load over the next 18 months, resulted in 49% say increase slightly, followed 25% increase significantly, 23% decrease slightly
New technology is expected to: 49% do more in less time, 48% work remotely, 40% freed up for creativity and strategy
Realization of professional goals is best served by which technology: 49% email, 25% mobile phones, 19% online collaborate tools
75% of respondents expected face-to-face meetings to continue as is and 77% expected travel to remain (again status quo)
Educational / skills investment is essential in that prediction of 45% of jobs can be automated in the near future
Pursuant to current career had 36% for more than 20 years, 20% for 10-15 years, 18% for 5-10 years
Success in current career: 53% somewhat successful, 33% very successful, 9% neither successful nor unsuccessful
Realization of potential: 56% largely realized, 20% halfway, 18% fully realized
Optimistic in growth prospects in current career: 44% somewhat optimistic, 28% very optimistic, 21% neutral
Top personal goals in the next 18 months: 41% improve relationships, 33% have more time for leisure, 30% spend more time with family

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Refreshing Breach Notification - Legislation

About 33 states in 2015 introduced bill updates / addendums for security breach notifications to include reporting to attorney general or similar/central agency for items related to personal information such as biometric, medical and insurance data (and educational institutions to notify parents of breach occurrence).
This leaves only Alabama, New Mexico and South Dakota without breach notification.  Let’s take a peek at some notable states:

  • For Illinois, data to include geolocation information and privacy policies to be posted as per HB 3188 (amends pending).  Additionally, pending HB 3652 Personal Information Protection Act to cover private contact information and it’s transfer – although SB 1833 failed due to veto in September
  • California AB 259 requires breach notification related to SSN, driver’s license number or California card number to provide identity theft prevention and mitigation services for at least 12 months without fee.  AB739 (currently pending) cites breach notification if reasonably believed data has been acquired unless it was encrypted as per existing law according to AB 964.  And, SB 34 states proper protection / safeguards for the automated license plate recognition operators.  Finally, SB 570 expressing expedient breach notification upon compromised.
  • Hawaii SB 1186 prevents notification via email if login credentials were compromised
  • New York SB 4887 and Massachusetts SB  124 includes biometric information for security breach law
  • Tennessee HB 193 requires comptroller of the treasury notification for unauthorized acquisition of computerized data related to security, confidentiality, or integrity of compute information system
  • Virginia HB 2362 requires Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth to develop protection and notification of confidential data maintained by state agencies for breach events / intrusion / unauthorized use / threats of electronic information
  • Nevada SB 72 requires Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services to investigate and resolve breach attempts of information systems related to agency or elected officer

Bills, amendments and regulatory requirements are being updated to keep up with breaches lessons learned, so the latest/approved bills should be confirmed with each state such as NCSL.ORG

Juniper software backdoor led to government and private company spying??

Rogue and unauthorized code identified on Juniper Networks firewall software allows backdoor access to tap / packet capture and unencrypt VPN communication; and leaves no trace of compromise (since security logs are able to be deleted). The millions of code inserted would have to been doe by skilled hacker (internal or external to be confirmed) and worst yet, been existing for 3 years. FBI is engaged to investigate related communication intercept by non-government organizations such as China and Russia for top suspects.
Of course it's rival, Cisco Systems, has launched a code review of it’s own software...but security experts are quick to point out the code may not always be reviewed thoroughly.  Implying that code review and penetration testing is not always conducted due to the cost associated with effort.

Cost of security breach is expected to continuously spike much like college tuition which ironically, Juniper had projected cost to be 4x by 2019.  Current estimated totals of $2.1 trillion resulted from breaches in the last 5 years.  We’ll check back once details are confirmed/published…

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The profits awakens - Disney

As movie goers shell out for Disney movies and come in numbers straight to the bank.  This already after acquisitions of Pixar and Marvel , racked in $14.1 million Thursday.  The companies included lighting, special effects and high-tech wizardry that is the foundation to any sci-fi / non-fiction which should topple merchandise sales to $5 billion in the short term (just a billion more than 2012’s Star Wars).  The movie open in over 4,000 theaters across the country starting at 7am EST Thursday and Wednesday overseas (starting in France, Italy, Philippines and Norway…then UK, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Russia and Brazil).  It has a good chance of breaking Jurassic World of 208.8 millions this weekend.
Gotta find my original lightsaber to bring with…
Oh, while rumors of spoilers surfaced, security was tight enough that results in no pre-release/breach

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why fly under the radar: financial, pharma, corporate, politics - Martin Shkreli arrested

Securities and wire fraud charges from prior employers, MSMB Capital Management (hedge funds out $7 million and prior compliant on file for misuse of funds) and Retrophin Inc. where he was displaced for reallocation of company funds / equity investment to payoff other business deals to the tunes of around $65 million.  Recall news regarding price gouging / hike from $13 to $750 (nearly $100,000 per year) for Daraprim, a life-saving pill – due in part, citing funding for drug research and development programs for the anti-parasite tablet.  He was able to gain control of KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Inc. as a result but of course, shares fall 50% in light news.
The savvy business entrepreneur with self-thought medical / biology knowledge and a keen financial eye had recently purchased license for benznidazole, a treatment for parasitic infection.  But this seems more made for TV, working-class roots of Brooklyn youngster to billion dollar financial wheeling-and-dealing executive and drug hiking CEO - with an arrogance that caught political notoriety and now, lawyered up.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Global IT Audit Practices and Benchmark

IT and Business transparency, collaboration and integration are key components for internal audit to help organizations identify, monitor and mitigate IT risks. ISACA along with Protiviti conducted it's 5th survey on Internal Audit organization that resulted in notable conclusions:

  1. Emerging technology and cybersecurity challenges top the radar
  2. Limited number of IT auditors with qualified skill sets available 
  3. IT audit organizations not reporting to the CAE (chief audit executive) or equivalent/independent role threatens third line of defense strategy for IT
  4. IT audit risk assessments still lacking by organizations and others in frequency
  5. Only half of the IT audit organization are involved in IT projects from the get-go or early in the design stages
  6. Strong interpersonal skills require the ability to translate complex IT issues to business risks for the non-technical audience

The questionnaire included: 1,200 executive and professionals completing online questionnaire (specifically, 14% were Chief Audit Executive or equivalent, 20% Audit Director and IT Audit Director, and 29% IT Audit Manager, etc.). And, predominately consisted of: 33% organization with $5+ billion in annual revenue and 50% from $1+ billion annual revenue spread over: 29% Financial Services, 15% Government/Education, 5% Retail, 2% Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Heathcare Payer, etc.  

By the numbers, the Audit Department total headcount consisted of: 18% 0-4; 21% 5-9, 19% 10-19, 16% 20-39, 10% 40-99 and amazingly 16% have 100+ Full Time Employees (FTE).  With regards to full-time IT auditors, 8% had zero, 23% has 1, 16% have 2, 11% have 3, 7% have 4, 16% have 5-9, 13% have 10-49 and 6% have 50+ FTE.  With those numbers, perhaps is why IT audits have been lagging over the years.  So, a comparison of total internal audit reports vs. IT audit reports for companies with $5+ billion in revenue: 24% issue greater than 20% IT audit reports; and 37% issue IT audit reports with process audit that contain underlying technology reviews.  Geographically, South America is ahead with 60% vs North American at 50%, Europe 43% and Asia 40%; overall recommendation is at least 20% of audit reports should be IT Audits.

Technology solutions cannot be without investment in human capital.  Given the lack of qualified resources reported, organizations of $5+ billion augment with outside resources: 24% via guest auditors, 5% outsource, 40% co-source providers, and 41% do not.  Geographically, North America did 69%, South America 50%, Europe 61% and Asia 57%.

  • Reason for augment (by $5+ billion companies) include: 25% lack IT skill set, 19% variable resource modeling, 26% for outside perspective, 30% lack of resources, and 31% knowledge transfer/learning from outside parties.
  • Cited effective auditor characteristics were: process analysis, data collection, interviewing, business writing, and project management skills – along with effective meeting and communicating results, conclusions and recommendation to all levels of management 

Key to staffing is person’s ability to translate complex issues to non-technical business audience and while this skill may be difficult to find in candidates according to 73% of the respondents, there is no notable increase in finding talent in the short-term (6% of $5+ billion company will increase by 20%).  Additionally, between 39%-46% of all respondents say the IT audit plan cannot be significant addressed based on lack of resources and/or skills.
Companies with IT auditors that require the CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification are: North America 49%, South America 56%, Europe 52%, and Asia 59%.
Tenure along with training required is: 6.7 for IT audit director | requiring 47 hours of training; 6.2 | requiring 52 hours of training For manager and 4.2 for staff | requiring 54 hours of training.
Source for IT audit staff-level hires are from: 69% external hires, 14% internal IT departments and 11% are college/university.

Of course technology is always shifting and so, 60% of organization are going though IT transformation and 54% are expected to take over 1 year.  With that in motion, understanding cybersecurity threats is a key concern today.  Impacting business model viability is further heightened by disruptive changes in uncharted territory.  However, not embracing new technology such as IoT and wearable technology will significantly hamper business development and a sure loss in competitive advantage.  In connection, survey calls out a need for IT security audit improvements for the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) and overall cybersecurity risk management maturity to drive effective programs and acceptable level of risks.

With cyber being a boardroom agenda item, top organizational performers reflect a sound practice in security of information, protection of brand/reputation, regulatory compliance aware and security employee’s personal information.  These practices are supported by awareness through the board of directors, suitable policies with security reference architecture that protect the right information, and a cybersecurity practice that demonstrate confidence in the ability to prevent and react/mitigate both internal and external attacks e.g. 50% are not confident and only 29% are confident.  Of the 83% that rated cybersecurity as a top threat today, only 38% are prepared for a cyber attack.

Having an IT Audit Director reporting to CAE or equivalent position is best practice…yet this model is still lagging behind. Only 58% have IT audit director or equivalent position so when it comes to expertise during board meetings, 65% of CAE have the skills to convey IT risk otherwise 42% of IT audit directors attend board meetings.  That said, clearly 91% of organizations ($5+ billion revenue) have internal audit department with IT function (56% included and 35% IT is a separate).
To properly assure third layer of defense (management), the IT Audit Director is required to “Getting to Strong” approach set by regulatory authorities in the financial industry, as a model for example.  While IT Audit Directors have started to attend board meetings over the past 4 years, attendance and adoption globally is slow.  45% in North America has an IT audit director vs. 58% in South America, 45% in Europe and 44% in Asia – and attendance in board meeting respectively are the same but South America with 67% takes the lead vs. 42% in North American.
To ensure critical technology risk is included in the IT Audit Program, IT risk assessment must be performed.  Smaller organizations seem to lag in this area but the trend to conducting assessments is increasing.  Again, of the $5 billion above, 69% said IT audit risk assessment is conducted vs. 16% for $½-$1 billion revenue companies.  Regionally, Asia tops the percentage at 61% by Audit (60% by CIO) vs. North America at 38% by Audit (66% by CIO), South America at 53% by Audit (56% by CIO) and Europe at 46% by Audit (64% CIO).
In terms of frequency for $5+ revenue company: 16% continually, 2% monthly, 14% quarterly, 10% semi-annually, 55% annually, and 4% less than annually.  And, 48% update IT audit risk assessments on a quarterly basis.

Trending in the right direction is engagement into IT projects (earlier on) and now auditing vendors although it had not been among top 5 of IT audit function responsibilities (but now, out of the bottom five).  Engagement with significant projects are occurring during various stages: Planning 30%, Design 10%, Testing 8%, Implementation 11%, Post-implementation 27%, and no involvement 14%. On the other hand, noticeable gaps lie in lack of focus on continuous auditing, whereby, effectiveness and efficiency can be gained by identifying issues and correcting them as soon as they arise.  Level of involvement IT audit has on technology projects ($5+ billion companies): 22% on significant, 41% on moderate, 30% on minimal and 7% on none….and regionally, 57% for the Americas, 52% for Europe and 60% for Asia.
A predominate effort for IT audit is SOX and percentage of time spent indicate: greater than 75% by 6% of the companies, 20%-50% by 35% of the companies and also notable 31% do not know or none.
IT Governance assessment activity results in: 42% completed CobIT and 34% completed IIA 2110.A2…and geographically, North America 36%, South America 68%, Europe 44%, and Asia 26%...and small organization were under 50% as well.  Of the respondents, approximately 20% will perform an assessment, hence, the rest will still not.  Related, companies with an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program  integrated with IT audit risk framework totaled 47% which is actually down from 50% last year and 58% from 2013. The net-net is striving for full engagement with various projects, development efforts and engaging in cross-functional organization; as well as usage of COBIT / IIA Stadnard 21|10.A2 for evaluation while ISACA CobIT framework for processes and leverage standards, techniques, etc. of ISAC ITAF.

Finally, IT audit function spend:
Source of article: ISACA

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Healthcare Operations Center

Data-driven technology with big data modeling and always-on live wearable devices translates to ground breaking predictive patience care.  Picture a Pharmaceutical or Healthcare Operations Center (HOC) whereby, for example, your glucose levels, heart rate, or neurological activity [who knows] are monitored on big screens with heat maps and automated trigger alerts e.g. SNMP-like LED alerts.  With Level 1 practitioners through Level 3 and 4 specialists and MDs available 24/7.  Comparable conditions to individual profiles – based on big data ranging from demographic, geographic, “trending” in level, and endless series of behavioral patterns (based on circumstances or scenarios).
You picked up 3rd cup of coffee on your way to work due to increased stress from a roadside traffic accident and you forgot to get decaf (alerted via your store ”rewards” program and therefore triggers your healthcare application baseline activating your HOC set to maximum readiness.  Then, your wearable device automatically injects insulin to help you adjust sugar levels…okay perhaps that’s at least 12 months away.
Point being patient diagnose and treat of diseases no long can rely on 10 minute office visits with your description of what you feel (and perhaps your self-created diagnosis based on an article you just read).  Research and trials can be conducted live with expanded sample and real-time analytics. We have seen benefits of big data aggregation for IT threats and retail buying behaviors already, so why not DNA, tissue, cell, and other organisms that refine research, testing, and overall patient treatment.
As complex as science is, so is the inter-connectivity and inter-dependencies between business risk and cyber protection / capability – required for data integrity and confidentiality.  Cyber has received board level attention but no level of funding will be effective without clear focus on critical assets and data sensitivity usage agreement from the entire organization. The eco-system must also provide opportunity for enhance risk transfers or cyber insurance, regulatory that is prescriptive in implementation as well as penalties.  But the value and underlying matter is having a clear understanding of business’ behavior towards data that translate to effective build/leverage of infrastructure, creative/responsive protection the right data, scalable (amount of) resources, and agility to react based on trade-offs dance between business value and rapid technology changes.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Pharmas and Life-Sciences’ Digitalization – New Breed

Digital health investment of $6.5 billion in 2014 more than doubled from previous year and its only beginning.  Pharmaceuticals, biotechs and the likes of healthcare industries require strategic, cultural, and competitive transformation to survive in the new era.  Attention to client service delivery that is agile and leverages technology most effectively will be the ones to thrive.  Recognizing value will replace brand. This may mean a beginning-to-end solution attuned to details that is both predictive and reactive through intelligence and on-demand resources that shape treatment.
The culture of Millennials for instant gratification is upon us and delivered from wearable technology and the emergence of connected (cloud streaming) data analytics allow treatment virtually instantaneous or at the very least proactive awareness.  Combined with the resources of google-ing like solutions, new client facing applications require the ability to adapt to patient behavior that is measurable in quality of health and cost.  The paradigm shift is an emphasis / interpretation of data and predictive solutioning instead of numerous and fragmented tests.  IT plays a centerpiece but tight integration with legal / regulatory, privacy offices and sales organization is essential to building a new digital pharma model.   Both companies and industries will break new ground, and the road to better health will merge the traditional roles in pharma, providers, and payors such that end-results will be the focus regardless of the who and how it was achieved.

Article source: McKinsey & Company

Thursday, December 10, 2015

IS a self-funded powerhouse of about $2 billion

Now, slight departure from cyber but let's look at the business and leadership perspective:
Out with the old, Al-Qaeda, and in with the new (Millennials), Islamic State.  Arabian Gulf donors are not the principle source any longer, but by diversification through oil fields, mineral mines, and territory banks.  The regime pays soldiers $400 - $1200 per month based on technical and engineering skills and provides bonuses for recruiting wives and children – almost parallels corporate / democratic way, right. 

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) has dominated territories unmanageable by others but of course, rich minerals mines that account for $360 million in funding for 2014.  In that effort, taxing the 8 million living and working civilians and services/medication in the compound.  Of course, extortion is part of the equation too, from taxing elementary to college students; and bribery for passing through territories.  Better yet, the Iraqi government is even taxed… and numbers are said to be even higher for 2015, estimating $800 million.

Even without the oiling expertise and equipment, ISIS produced $500 million in oil production/profit from hijacking oil wells and refineries.  While sanctions didn’t help, they were still agile to still sell oil for one-fourth of the market price – to friends and foes alike, e.g. US-backed Syrian rebels to fuel their diesel engineers.  Of course, these efforts have been seriously hampered in the US earlier and allies bombing efforts (some via drones recently); post Paris attack coalition bombing of nearly 400 oil tanker trunks and storage tanks; but recently Russian lead bombing campaign.

With any territory takeover, the state banks get looted to the tune of $450 million in cash plus gold taken from a Mosul central back last year (and in which the same invasion, freed up almost 1,000 inmates from a prison and seizure of US-supplied military hardware).  The private banks however, are left in tacked so that clients still have the semblance an institution, but back end taxes replaces.
Apparently, gold is king.  Part of the theory is that trading, unlike paper currently, can’t be stop since it’s gold after all and evade sanctions from other government.  However, it said to be more of a ploy and recruitment tactic than real world economic power.

Finally, terrorists/terror isn’t without kidnapping and ransom.  We’ve seen the beheading and while most states align with the UN resolution not to payout, those who do (perhaps French, Italian and Spanish hostages that were freed), account for $20 - $45 million.  Yet, it’s local / civilian kidnapping also pay ransom e.g. in some cases for not being Sunni Muslim, for example.

While some would point to inequality for the ISIS buildup, judgment is still out since research indicate poor as well as rich people are susceptible or likely to join, level of education doesn’t seem to factor or be an influencer; so maybe it’s simply ideology.  This is already a departure from our norm so let’s bring it back a bit. 
There are counterintelligence officials and cyber specialist monitoring the Internet airwaves as they were able to arrest over a dozen terror suspects related to a Twitter account that had been intercepted by Ghost Security Group.  “…DigitaShadow says Ghost Security Group has taken down 149 Islamic State propaganda sites, 110,000 social media accounts, and over 6,000 propaganda videos since it formed”.  Other efforts, such as Telegram messaging app blocked 78 ISIS-related channels across 12 languages…
Article source:

You can never get enough phishing time

We’ve mentioned phishing in past but spear phishing is a variant that aims to target specific individuals, typically after much research / preparation conducted on select recipients to-be.  So, much more directed /customized message to folks that have more or critical access to the crown-jewels AKA confidential data, technology and business secrets/IP.  With the proliferation of social media, your LinkedIn account along with your Facebook or Twitter and Google+ can be a gold mine for profiling you and the would-be downstream intended targets connected to you.  Reconnaissance is just the start and the digital trace of where you are, go, publish, and behavior on the Internet is key to your worth.
Rate of success has increased and more difficult to detect.  According to Symantec , the average number of spear phishing spiked 42 per day in January 2016 from 33 just last December (proportionally rising to 1 in every 1,004 emails).  Like phishing, these emails tend to be accompanied by an attachment and numbers show 46% were .doc files (up from 26% in December vs. January).  Additionally, the favorite targeted organization show to be 1-250 and 2500+ employees with respectively, 35% and 32% of the cases (with Finance, insurance and real estate leading the pack at 29% followed by manufacturing at 21% then, wholesale at 12% industries).

Good practices and safety extends beyond corporate compliance in an organization. Cyber safe practices must be carried through your personal / social forums by limiting what you post specifically about yourself and the organizations you work for, and remember what you post on-line can be shared and go viral particularly in the dark web. Organization can help build awareness by providing relevant security training (perhaps based on employee behavioral analysis), rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad ones, soliciting/collaborating with marketing and sales team, and of course, routine penetration testing.
For a good overview of social engineering red flags, check out Knowbe4’s pictorial example.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Passport pages deadline is December 31, 2015

If you are running out of pages in your passport for Visas and entry/exit stamps, apply before the end of the year for additional 24 blank pages - and you will need to surrender your Passport with other require information. It's $82 fee and Form DS-4085.
Passport renewals now offer a 52-page (43 blank) option at no additional charge while the standard 28-page (17 blank) remains available.  Form DS-82 is used for renewal.  Of course visit for official details - including latest update on processing time which can be weeks.
Another good link is 

Worldwide breach of customers/kids data: PlanetVTech, Learning Lodge, Kid Connect

The latest breach involves about 5 million customer/parent information and over 6 million kids profiles (names, emails, addresses, passwords, selfies/pictures, chat log, etc. but no SSN or card data) of Vtech toy company, a Hong Kong based manufacturer.  It said to have occurred on November 14 and identified 10 days later when an email was received from a journalist.  
Mandiant has been retained to provide forensics investigation and shore up security gaps.  VTech’s security posture has surfaced as questionable in terms of risk-based security implementation, and the likes of other gaming misfortune such as Sony PlayStation and Mattel’s Barbie.  While company will undergo close local government scrutiny and the Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner looking into data privacy compliance, the FTC has no jurisdiction for non-U.S. companies.  Certainly not good news for the holiday season gift shopping…with over 15 countries affected by this incident.
Interesting read, for sequence of verification events/analysis

Saturday, December 5, 2015

IT Change Strategy for 2016

Trends and predictions continue throughout the year, and organization attempt to keep pace but adoption / implementation will continue to lag but that does not mean complacency. provides a few principles on technology strategy.
Multi-tenant infrastructure and resources pick up where outsourcing left off and is here to stay.  In order to scale as well as throttle back when demands change, cloud and something-as-a-service can provide that advantage.  Besides, collaborative environments and big data analytics is power. 
Software provides replacement to humans as robots in manufacturing plants.  The speed and accuracy is undeniable and when it comes to repeatable and mundane tasks, perhaps it should be that way.
Embedded technology is key to competitive advantage for products/services which is designed and coded by high sought talents.  Which means managers  just managing progress will soon disappear. It’s back to providing value and if you don’t design or write code, then you must revolutionize what leadership do / is.
Service integration is more than a buzz word, it’s your livelihood.  Without being agile and innovative in solutions that are will connected and maximizes performance, product or overall output, organizations / companies do not stand a chance is being successful.

Shadow IT needs to translate to competitive advantage.  When integration challenges are aloft, spend is scrutinized and centralization efforts become forefront.  So, make the IT process align early on with proper integration and setup tollgates to ensure acceptability and unity along the way.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

APT stocks continue climbing - Report updated with same news

Updated APT study show same results – continued breach of conventional layered architecture.
The nuts and bolts of FireEye’s Maginot Revisited follow up from May 2014 – made up of 1,600 FireEye network and email sensors deployed in real-world networks.
First report Oct 2013 – Mar 2014 totaled 1,200 security deployments in 63 countries across 20 industries – and data from 1,614 appliances (PoV) trials of FireEye network and email appliances

  • 97% organizations in study were breached with 24% attacked via APT, 66% had command-and-control exploited; and hacked more than once per week

Updated report Jan 2014 – Jun 2014:

  • Attacks penetrate layer defenses and spike in advance malware attacks AKA Advance Persistent Threat (APT) attacks were consistent throughout industry (doubled totals), but 2 largest uptick were:
    • Retail with 5% increase; 58 deployed were all breached with 17% by advanced malware
    • Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals with 4% increase; 54 deployed were all breached with 37% by advanced malware

Hence, passive tools and non-integrated detection/reporting systems don’t cut it; and monitoring without pursuit / vigilance is a recipe for security breach

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bear down market // Security in 2016

Indication of a bearish market today with the precipice of first interest rate hike since 2006 and junk bonds looking more appetizing.  When stocks decline about 20% from peak or correction about 10%, we have a bearish market.  So, which is it this time? Wasn’t this predicted earlier in 2015 and again in the summer? We have had approx. 32 bear markets (or 1 per 3.5 years) since 1900 and correction about every year) typically lasting about 1 to 1.5 years…according to Ned Davis Research.  Of course the dynamic / root cause is complex but politics is a big player, the potential of a selling frenzy can have great impact, and some point to Feds for control of short-term rates.  While trading habits vary by age group, conservative older and riskier younger, analysts seem to indicate, weather the storm.

Humm...holding is probably not the best move for cybersecurity since trends are more frequent hacks, out pacing tools / zero-day, and outcome is never good with a breach.  But 2016 will be the trickery and shenanigans year.  
With multiple smart devices in our possession and IoT to pave the way for all things connected, large scan attacks will be from all corners including healthcare devices we wear and rely on, to the sky above in drones.  So, mobile malware will be pervasive and it’s estimated by Trendmicro that 3 in 4 apps in China are malware and exponential overall growth to be 20 million by end of 2016.  Recall the times of web defacement resulting from hacktivist…well now, that has shifted to lucrative ransom and incriminating information made public i.e. Sony and Ashley Madison breaches.  Add attack vector resulting from malware and malvertising, growth this year were in the likes of 41% spike.
Another segway will be in Data Protect role to support InfoSec officer to keenly focus on regulation laws and data integrity compliance… This should pave the way for more cybercrime legislation with global perspective since data sharing agreements and provisions continue to evolve / be in dispute i.e. SafeHarbor.  
Offered solution include: data security/encryption strategy, mobile policy and related infrastructure investment, relevant security training / testing, and dedicate role/focus to data protection.
Article source: Trendmicro