Friday, November 27, 2015

Yahoo CEO under fire: did say it would be a LONG road ahead

But it might be taking too long for some.  With a number of executives leaving, others been ask to sign multi-year contract to stay, and now scorecard that isn’t so promising…Interesting read from 
  • Turnaround of online-ad market = not good. Global shares down in major yahoo businesses except mobile advertising but considerably lower than Facebook and Twitter
  • Growth in core business = not good.  Sales continue to fall throughout the shifts in strategies (Mobile, Video, Search)
  • Growth to 1 Billion monthly unique visitors = mostly yes.  Users have grown to over 1 Billion in 18 months but new measures have been implemented during this period so comparable baseline is in question
  • Online video popularity growth = unlikely.  Yahoo Screen has not shown the numbers it predicted and spent of $100 Million in producing film content
  • Show $100 Million in Tumblr review for 2015 = unclear.  Apparently no update has been provided
  • Mobile revenue growth over 1.2 Million in 2015 = close.  Total after 3 quarters is $1.197 Billion fro mobile
  • Growth in display review in 2015 = unlikely.  Might be growth from 1.34 to 1.47 Billion in 9 months however, Yahoo is paying partners to click on sites so might be lower overall
  • Mavens revenue to be $1.5 billion in 2015 = likely.  $1.184 Billion after 9 months so its expected to be on track

That all said, how about the implementation of stack ranking of employees? Works well for college scenarios, but probably not so well in business.  Employees were ranked excelling through under performance comparatively, resembling a bell shape curve of employee scores.  That ultimately, (according to experts) promoted unhealthy / unproductive competition between employees.

Net-net, is it Mayer’s 3 years at the helm or is it just Yahoo since multiple chief executives have tried already?

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