Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tis the season for online gifts

Whether it’s employees, clients or service provides, showing signs of appreciation for the hard work, commitment and loyalty is key, so make it personable as possible.  Apparently cash is king and likely to be best received by majority otherwise, gift cards or perhaps wine, seedlings, cheese/crackers – but don’t over spend. Inclusion and consistency is important and beware of religious beliefs.
Or perhaps the best gift of all is cybersecurity awareness - NIST Cyber Framework.  And, say you're shopping online, keep in mind:
HTTPS (and lock icon) on your browser at ALL times when sending personal/credit card data, login and checkout
Strong passwords when creating accounts
Know the seller/website by doing some research - use multiple browsers to compare website, stay clear of advertisements
Use PayPal if you can; but certainly say no to debit cards
Use a trusted PC (anti-virus, anti-malware, etc.)
Don’t use public Wi-Fi networks - your probably being monitored
Validate charges on your card / statements
Remember, applies to nearly everything, but if it seems too good to be true, it is

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