Saturday, November 21, 2015

Insider threat is weighing heavy on IT

Survey said
37% of companies expect incident data breach 1 year and 67% believe a breach to occur within 2 years
72% of security professionals say the board should be more concerned with internal treat than external threat
     o 40% indicate increase trend in internal breach, 43% indicate it will stay the same and 17% say it will decrease
92% of the organizations have experienced a data breach within the last 12 months
     o Source of these breach from 40% employees, 22% third-parties, 12% ex-employees and 26% outside the organization (or unknown parities)
     o Internal breach associated with: 67% reputational damage, 62% financial penalties, 42% reduced employee morale
37% of employees believe individuals have access that they should not have – and types of data employees have access to:
    o 69% Customer – contract data, purchase history
    o 57% Financial – shareholder information, accounts
    o 56% Product/Services – patent, technical specifications
    o 56% Employee – salary, medical records
    o 46% Supply chain – pricing
    o 44% Transactional – payment, card numbers
29% of critical data is perceived as at risk for internal breach
37% say it is difficult to identify the source of an internal breach while only 16% say they can identify unusual network activity
58% does not know what a security breach would be
50% admitted disregarding company data protection policies
75% of employees believe they do not get enough information about security policies
So, is perception reality?

Source of insider threat:
55% personal devices with access and/or with virus and malware
49% portable storage device / USB
47% users not abiding by data protection protocol / policy
40% use on non-authorized applications
38% email links
31% sharing of credentials
18% lost of device with sensitive information
24% ex-employees or old supplies / customers with access
12% post / sharing on social media
Reasons for increased internal threats:
52% increase in cloud applications / usage
48% lack of awareness / understanding
48% Lack of communication between IT and employees and/ or lack of clear security policy
37% increased virus / malware
31% increased personal devices
26% increase use of contractors / temporary employees
Ways to minimize insider threats:
72% education in safeguarding sensitive data
57% clearly identify precaution and understanding of ramifications
50% tools for Data Loss Prevention
45% proper access management or increased levels of access
41% updating acceptable us policies regularly
39% impose penalty for disclosure
35% limit user workstation / devices
Clearswift Insider Threat Survey of 500 IT decision makers and 400 employees in US, UK, Australia and Germany by Loudhouse/Clearswift


  1. In fact, be aware of your surroundings. If you’ve brought your personal laptop, use a security cable to anchor your laptop to a heavy or immovable object. Never leave your laptop, personal belongings, or any sensitive information unattended for any amount of time. Also, use virtual data room while secure data sharing. Vdr, as for me, the most reliable service nowadays. If you want to find some more useful info, you can use that site - virtual data room reviews.

  2. Good suggestion. Cloud-based repository and collaboration mediums are excellent ways to shift threats elsewhere but also provide sharing capabilities and convenience that standalone cannot offer. That said, looking into data encryption rest (where necessary), data instance/secure configuration and rentension (backup/recovery) is essential.
