Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Artificial Intelligence - like, for Insider Threat

Fortscale Security Ltd. now based in San Mateo, California, was started in 2012 in Israel and has since raised $4 Million in additional funding via CME Ventures and UST Global, bringing the totaling to $16 Million.  The system performs data crunching through user behavioral analytics and delivers context-based alerting.  The launch of Fortscale 2.0 helped propel the company into the forefront of cybersecurity for endpoints – with strong establishment in marketing strategy, growth in sales organization, and top-tier backing.  Revenue continued to climb in 2015 and hopes to capture the market for insider threat detection and elimination.  Since "virtually all enterprise data breaches can be traced to a compromise of an insider's credentials to obtain access to enterprise IT systems" [eweek.com], Fortscale software algorithms will simplify analysis e.g. big-data in SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) and much need end-user data collection, to provide SOC (Security Operations Center) insights and faster reaction time for malicious and rogue users.  With a good showing at RSA 2015, the company made the top 10 to watch according to networkworld.com

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