Thursday, November 19, 2015

Aftermath of breaches, with connect devices on the up swing

...and it's only a sign of what's to come
The increase in connectivity of (mobile) devices direct parallel spike in vulnerabilities and exploits that will be impactful to the way we will handle data breaches.  Already an increase in extortion and blackmail, the Ashley Madison 30 Million record incident lead to downstream affect of lives/suicide; and fueling the interest in healthcare data was pronounced with the 4+ Million records stolen at the UCL Health Systems.  Yet the underlying threat that might be even more compelling in the secondary or chain reaction of attacks that result; for example, vulnerabilities with applications, flash player and Zero-Day exploits that are dropped in environments upon penetration.  
Read about the technical specs in TrendMirco's analyzed of Q3.
These exploits are also vendor agnostics as iOS suffered from vulnerabilities just like Androids last quarter, affecting over 50% of the Android for every instance of vulnerabilities identified.  Another popular/notable aim is taken with PoS (Point-of-Sale) in form of botnet, malware and Angler Exploit Kit, hence 3rd-parties are not necessarily the target source.  Finally, in the list of exploits, Pawn Storm (renown for targeting government agencies) set eyes on MH17 investigation teams that reached multiplied countries in Dutch, Malaysia, Australia, Belgium, and Ukraine.

The ecosystem of detection and prevention must be integrated and spectrum / coverage can be strengthened by external data analysis or broader threat intelligence.

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