Thursday, October 15, 2015

Snippets of Business and General Management Insights, an Interpretation

It's a seismic disruption in all verticals happening simultaneously…so globalization and explosion of data for rapid decision making is best with diversity in mind and clear decision making based on strategy. Compilation of stats from The Economist:
  • 45% of companies are increasing their IT budgets in 2015
  • 90% of technology budgets will be outside IT dept by 2020
  • Working remotely has grown 80% from 2005 to 2012
  • Executives predict that ¾ of their workforce will not work in traditional offices by 2020
  • Globally, satellite offices are expected to grove 50% by 2020
  • By 2020, the volume of data will grow 10 times to 44 zettabytes
  • Female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies = 0% in 1995 to 5% in 2014
  • Multiracial CEOs in Fortune 500 companies = 17% in 2014
  • Startups are on fire – with approx. less than 1,000 in 1990 to 140,000 in 2014 worldwide
  • $86.7 Billion investment in startups worldwide
We know technology is moving the pace of mobile workforce more than ever and at speeds that require fast decision making. Small but impactful insight from big data is a result of right predictive analytics –which empowers people and organizations to transform. With IT in the center of this acceleration and competition, it also bears constant disruption to react faster and more efficient. A way to thrive in this environment and a workforce that will be 50% millenniums in 5 years is through re-skilling oneself and working cross-functional with others. Radical collaboration threw omni-presence of technology will bring significant opportunity for enterprises for making significant breakthroughs. Where data analytics lead, so must individuals (from bottom-up) to establish/root the culture. Executives can then create the larger initiatives based on the foundation and point of view from the employees and their consumers. To be leaders, one must be strong but graceful under pressure and "multi-dimensional with long-term strategy but short-tem accountability", The Economist.
Are you comfortable in times of paradox and ambiguity?

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