Friday, October 16, 2015

Making a Good First Impression and Happier Life

It only takes 7 seconds to make a first impression.
  • Genuine smile – shows welcoming, decreases stress hormones and correlates long lasting
  • Right handsake – universally polite but is an art form – careful of pressure
  • Verbal introduction – exchange pleasantries, saying their names is always a good thing
  • Speak clearly – "…those who talk in a deeper voice, and more calmly, are taken more seriously"
  • Make eye contact – shows interest unless you overdue
  • Use body language – mirroring each other's body language for mutual connection
Also, "5 Inspiring Lessons From TED Talks on How to Have a Happier Life",
  1. You're the boss, it's up to you to create a happy work-life balance, so take control, set boundaries and make small/balanced investments
  2. Tough choices define who we are and making that hard decision defines who we want to be
  3. Not having achieved something YET is different than failing; and should be your mind-set
  4. Make the connections: via people, things, ideas, projects, etc.
  5. Saying yes (and being engaged) to what lies ahead demonstrates passion  

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