Monday, October 5, 2015

General Electric’s Green Berets

AKA Corporate Audit Staff (CAS) at GE in Fairfield Connecticut undergo a 5 year commitment where 2% make it to an executive position upon completion. All it takes is 100-120 hour work weeks in a rigorous and intense environment (said to be collaborative but not competitive), working with high-level senior management around the world. Typically, if you're early into your career, the steps include:
  1. Entry level pre-screen selection
  2. Application selection by GE's VP of Audit Staff – eliminates about 50%
  3. 4 weeks of critical thinking, leadership and ability testing via adaptation to unfamiliar projects, auditing and IT project roles
  4. Then, 2 year commitment of 4-month long assignments e.g. balance sheet, general auditing, IT develop and other high-level GE projects

Formal appraisals are delivered 6 times per year and daily feedback is provided on your work/progress. Typically, half of the selected participates move to audit-manager roles in the 3rd year, 20% move into senior audit management roles and the remaining best-of-the-best 2% is offered executive roles to become the next Presidents, VPs, CFOs or CEOs. All that make it through are in positions of authority…and join the 80% of GE's top CFO's as CAS members, including Jeff Bornstein.

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