Friday, October 9, 2015

Characteristics of Highly Effective Teams

Feel free to comment, provide insight, etc. but below are some of my interpretations for a productive and effective team – inspired by Covey and others
  • Clear mission and purpose regarding the end goal, and continuously re-evaluating success and impact
  • Taking the initiative, communicates proactively, and taking responsibility / ownership of one owns actions and results
  • Priorities that are focused, results oriented and mutually accepted by each member
  • Listening and seeking to understand members – point of view and having social sensitivity / self-awareness
  • Win-win agreements that are collaborative, cooperative and team centric
  • Easily understood roles and authority while empathetic and appreciating unique personalities, skills and style
  • Understanding the principle of teamwork through synergy, communication, problem-solving and humor
  • Commitment to learning and training to update skills while promoting feedback from others
  • Maintaining and supporting a work-life balance 

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