Friday, October 30, 2015

By the numbers: Fintech ranked company

not Stripe and no longer eBay...went public for the second time and acquired Braintree, PayPal is growing leaps and dollars
29% jump in profit
$301 million for third quarter
Up 14% in revenue
$2.26 Billion in sales
12.5 Million payments processed daily
173 Million active users (that’s 16 Million from last year)

With these numbers, they can be rivals to Visa/MasterCard or simply continue on the e-commerce path… Certainly putting Square to shame - particularly in the merchant cash advance business with over $1 Billion and busting loan rates to $3 Million per day ($1 Million more than last year).  But slightly missing analysts’ expectation with strong dollar hurt it’s transaction volumes in Europe and China (according to
Then, a glitch today.  An interruption in global payment processing due to a center power outage -
Click on the heatmap

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