Monday, June 8, 2009

T-mobile hacked again?

Apparently an anonymous hacker posted information related to T-mobile servers on Saturday and claimed that they had customer confidential information and financial records and proprietary operating data…then set out to put the information to the highest bidder. The wireless giant is once again in the news…in 2005 Nicholas Jacobsen was charged with unauthorized access to their network when a U.S. Secret Service agent uncovered he had 16 Million U.S. subscribers data. He later pleaded guilty to a single felony charge of intentionally access protected computer and recklessly causing damages (spanning over 2 years worth). Since then, in 2006 SSN of about 45,000 customers were lost and in 2008 disc lost of 17 Million customers.

Coincidentally, Deutsche Telekom, the T-Mobile parent, wants to dump the business based on its recent profit warning citing a 21% down in UK revenue and a weakness in the U.S. But then again their preparing for 4G with download capability of 7.2Mbps—so you can hack at light speed ;)
Related incidents? The hack just a hoax? Perhaps, but what brand damage has occurred already? What compliance or regulatory efforts have they not complied with; or, better yet, compliant and still breached? Think breached customer will get their notification any faster now, compensating for your personal data lost?
Another story sure to unfold

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