Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu vulnerability

Yes, it is contagious and affecting technology too…mostly spam but also domain registration for starters.
McAfee is reporting that 1 of 50 spam emails contain junk messages from compromised hosts, prompting to go to site for cure, updates, etc. If not to create havoc, then make money, right. There is report the variant forms of the “swine flu” names are being registered for domain names are on a rise and a sell-off of the same.

While your inbox in busy enough, I bet your company’s Emergency Management and BCP teams have woken up as well, flooding your inbox (for everyone to reply and forward;). Best recommendation is probably to stay the course, stick to your plans and adapt accordingly based on confirmed understanding and in a manageable way.

Many official sites so here’s just a few advisory links and a health map

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